Denture Relines

There are several types of denture relines.

Hard Relines

Dentures should receive a hard reline every two years. A hard reline involves removing a layer of plastic from the interior surface of the denture and filling with a putty-like material which will create an impression. This is then sent to the lab and the denture is adjusted to the new shape of your gum tissue.

Soft Relines

Soft relines are recommended when a patient is unable to wear ordinary dentures due to tenderness or sore spots on the gums. Soft relines are a made of a material that stays pliable for one to two years, and which is less likely to give the patient sore spots. If you have dentures with a soft lining, you may want to consider implant-supported dentures to achieve a more permanent solution.

Temporary Relines

Our dentist may recommend a temporary reline if your dentures have not received maintenance in some time. Dentures that are not regularly serviced may cause the gums to become red, swollen, or misshapen, which creates difficulty in taking impressions for a new reline. Temporary relines are used to allow the inflammation to subside so that the gums can return to a normal state prior to the dentures receiving a hard or soft reline.

If you have any questions about denture relines, please give our office a call.

For more information about denture maintenance and to schedule an appointment with our dentist, please call our office today.