Advanced Technology

Advanced Technology

Digital Imaging

When you come in for your appointment, Dr. Rohini Singh will determine what radiographs (X-rays) are needed. These allow our dentist in Killeen, Texas, to catch problems not visible to the naked eye, as well as determine the health of structures underneath the gumline. These may include the jawbone or the roots and nerves that support and surround the teeth. X-rays may also help diagnose lesions or damage caused by dental trauma.

Our dentist and team strive to provide conservative, safe services for our patients. We carefully evaluate each patient. Exposure during radiographs is minimal and well below safe limits. With digital imaging, our dentist can halve the exposure time with traditional X-rays. It also allows us to see cavities and other forms of decay clearly.

Digital radiographs can be easily archived and stored, allowing All Dental & Braces and Cosmetic Dentistry to share images with any of our patients’ specialists or insurance agencies.

Digital X-Rays

Not only are digital X-rays often clearer than traditional X-rays, they are also one-sixth the radiation exposure. These images can also be displayed and saved on computers for easier access.

Intraoral Camera

To help patients better understand the treatment process, our office uses intraoral cameras. These allow both our dentist and our patients to see the inside of the mouth as it is being treated.

These cameras also allow our dentist to better understand and diagnose dental issues. An intraoral camera is extremely small and can be maneuvered throughout the mouth to gather images. With detailed pictures of your teeth, gums and mouth, our dentist can prescribe effective treatment. This means faster care and fewer visits for our patients!

For a permanent record of your treatment, request intraoral images from our office. Call 254-200-1893 and have our team print these pictures for other dental specialists, labs, insurance companies or personal bookkeeping.

Solea® Laser Dentistry

We are proud to announce that we have added the FDA-cleared Solea dental laser to our practice. This laser takes the drill, needle, noise and pain out of your dental visits. We believe that if there is a technology which can give our patients a better result and a more pleasant experience that we need to bring it to our beloved community. With the Solea laser, you can enjoy a more comfortable experience as well as a higher quality of care. Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of the Solea Laser!