Dental Specialties

Within dentistry, there are several specialties. A specialty is an area of dentistry that has been formally recognized by the American Dental Association® and requires additional education and training. While our dentist and team will do everything we can to care for your smile, if your case is especially complex, we may need to refer you to a dental specialist to ensure that you achieve optimal results. Based on your needs, we may suggest:


Endodontics refers to the study and treatment of the dental pulp. The dental pulp is the innermost layer of the tooth that includes the tooth’s living tissues. Root canal therapy is a common type of endodontic treatment.


Periodontics focuses on the study and treatment of the periodontal (gum) tissues that surround and support the teeth. Often, a periodontist treats serious cases of gum disease or may provide cosmetic gum shaping.


Orthodontics involves diagnosing, preventing and correcting abnormalities in how the teeth fit together. Braces and clear aligners are common orthodontic treatments.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral and maxillofacial surgery is used to describe surgical treatments to address diseases, injuries and defects.


Prosthodontics involve the diagnosis, treatment planning, rehabilitation and maintenance of the oral function, health, appearance and comfort of patients with conditions associated with missing or deficient teeth or oral tissues. Dentures, dental implants and implant-supported dentures are examples of prosthodontics.

Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric dentistry focuses on comprehensive oral healthcare for infants and children through adolescence. For more information about dental specialties, we welcome you to call or visit our office today.