First Visit

First Visit

Plan for your future by planning your first dental visit in Killeen, Texas. These initial appointments with Dr. Rohini Singh are important for your dental health, establishing a relationship with our dentist and helping our office diagnose issues and prescribe treatment. Visit All Dental & Braces and Cosmetic Dentistry or call 254-200-1893 to plan a first appointment.

To help your appointment go smoothly, please provide the following:

  • A list of current medications
  • X-rays or digital images taken by your previous dentist
  • Completed dental insurance forms

Please note that patients are held to treatment fees regardless of their insurance plan or coverage. Our office provides payment plans for orthodontic and dental treatment.

If you have any pre-existing conditions (such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.) or if you have any medications for those conditions, let Dr. Rohini Singh know.
Click Here To Make an Appointment


One of the ways we protect patients’ teeth is through regular check-ups and exams. During your exam, our dentist will identify early signs of decay, infection and other dental issues using dental X-rays. Plan an exam with us today; reach out to us at 254-200-1893 and see how our team can keep your smile healthy.